Monday, November 18, 2013

Halloween of the Crazy Urban Naturalists!

Halloween Day! We met at the Roger Williams Park in attempts to find some wildlife, but instead, found some crazy leaf-throwing Urban Naturalists! We didn't capture a photo, but we did see a hawk fly through the trees! We also found a cool tree that, unfortunately, had been cut down. We estimated it was over 150 years old though! We did this by counting the rings of the tree stump. 

Our Crazy Urban Naturalists making a pigpile on
a tree! 

Our tree we found that was over 150 years old. We had to estimate
because the heartwood was all eaten out by bugs. We couldn't count how
many rings that would have been in the center

Our Musical Urban Naturalists!
Aleyna made a wonderful conductor!

We then had an amazing leaf fight!No one was safe from the leaf-throwing Urban Naturalists! 

Run Miss Emily, Run!

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