Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our First Field Trip!

We took our first trip to Roger Williams Park today! We started off the day taking a nice hike around the park looking for different plants and animals in the area.

We saw a beautiful Great Blue Heron
on the pond! 

Such a beautiful view! 

We then took a look at an old Sea Lion exhibit in Roger Williams Park. The park used to have zoo animals placed around the park and the public could come and view them at any time! Luckily, they soon realized this was not a good idea as people would throw food and trash into the exhibits. The animals were then housed in Roger Williams Park Zoo where they received better care.

Here, Shailyn shows us the old Sea Lion Exhibit 
We then checked out the swans and geese at the pond! We learned that it is NOT good to feed geese and ducks bread because it is not nutritional for them. They wind up filling their bellies with bread and don't eat the things they need in order to be healthy. There is a rule in Roger Williams Park stating that feeding the birds is prohibited and you could even be fined if you are caught doing it!!!!

We checked out the sign that told us not to feed the birds!

What a beautiful view of the park!

We found some interesting fungus

This beautiful tree was everywhere in the park!

We even found a potential kill site! This is
an area where some pieces of an animal
remains, suggesting that it had been
attacked and eaten by or ran away from
a predator!
What a BEAUTIFUL flower in
The Rose Garden!

Look at what one of our Urban Naturalists found
while playing a game? It's a Cicada Molt! 
Click here to be directed to a site that talks more about Cicadas and their life cycles!

1 comment:

  1. It was fun and i had alot of fun walking around and looking at the new plants
